2022-05-28 09:10
来源: 打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网


读特客户端?打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网2022年5月28日讯(记者 金洪竹 张喆 李丹璐 张玲 实习生 赵薇)好奇心,是驱动我们不断探索边界的原动力。


Curiosity is the power that propels us to explore boundaries.

Since“Steamboat Willie”, the first animated film with synchronized sound, hit the silver screen in1928 in New York, a little dancing mouse—Mickey Mouse—has captured the hearts and minds of fans of all ages, across generations, around the world.

烟花勾勒的米老鼠,是我童年里曾出现过的梦境。(张玲 摄)

又泡脚又看电视的,米奇,你是不是在看自己的动画片?(张玲 摄)

在巨大的T恤前,每个人好像是缩小版的自己。(张玲 摄)

展品之一。(李丹璐 摄)

打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网记者金洪竹在米老鼠灯光投影下。(李丹璐 摄)

呼之欲出的米老鼠,还是裹着被单穿墙而过的米奇?(李丹璐 摄)


另一个视角看米奇。(李丹璐 摄)



Over the past100 years, as societies, economies and cultures have developed and the spiritual needs of people changed, Mickey Mouse has grown from the protagonist of early animated short films to a global pop culture icon that has transcended cultural and regional differences and been a positive force of influence across animation, art and beyond. 

The spirit of optimism, curiosity and fearlessness that Mickey represents continues to propel the character to explore and push boundaries, making his legacy today as strong as ever. 

米奇闯入水墨竹的意境中。(张玲 摄)

金洪竹和笑脸盈盈的米奇合张影。(张玲 摄)

和额头上多了一只眼睛的米奇(莫非是二郎神新变身)击个拳吧?(张玲 摄)

来吧,小可爱。(张玲 摄)

米奇元素无处不在。(李丹璐 摄)

三个圈,就可以勾勒出米老鼠的轮廓。(李丹璐 摄)

米奇,你是瞬间定格的水花?(李丹璐 摄)


The“Mickey: The True Original Exhibition” first opened in New York City in November,2018. To celebrate Mickey’s90th anniversary, Disney invited artists from diverse cultural backgrounds to reimagine the world’s most famous animated character, sparking a fantastical exploration of the possibilities of what Mickey means to our times.

展品之一。(张玲 摄)

神通广大的米奇。(张玲 摄)

粉色梦幻。(张玲 摄)

展品之一。(张玲 摄)

灯灯灯灯。(张玲 摄)

两把靠背椅彷佛在聊天。(张玲 摄)


你是葫芦娃吗,哈哈哈!(李丹璐 摄)

与米奇各种合影。(李丹璐 摄)



“Mickey: The True Original & Ever Curious” Exhibitionland inShenzhen, presenting Mickey Mouse inspired works that57 renowned local and global artists have created through various mediums, including painting, sculpture, calligraphy, installation, sound, performance, new media, as well as intangible cultural heritage and archival materials.

At the same time, more than30 Chinese artists (groups) participated in the creation, presenting multiple connections between Mickey and China, bringing the art experience of Mickey full of surprise and curiosity.


与米奇发生关联的一种方法。(李丹璐 摄)

与米奇发生关联的第二种方法。(李丹璐 摄)

与米奇发生关联的第N种方法。(李丹璐 摄)






Inspiring a natural curiosity from within, the exhibition space is designed around the central theme of“Ever Curious” and invites the audience on an exploration of the senses as they embark on an adventure in Mickey’s world. 

The exhibition design combines both traditional Chinese and modern urban elements, while creating an immersive experience for the audience and guiding them to discover hidden spaces and surprises within the exhibition. 

Artistsre-imagine the timeless icon in three ways: reconstructing his most classic looks on screen; inventing fresh narratives of Mickey within an artistic framework; and reinterpreting Mickey Mouse in diverse cultural contexts.





1. 地铁1号线到高新园站A出口。

2. 导航至“万象天地”。


1. 成人票:98元/人

2. 优待票:78元/人

3. 亲子票:148元/一大一小


Address:No.9668 Shennan Road, Dachong Community, Yuehai Street, NanshanDistrict, Shenzhen


1. Take metro Line 1 toHi-Tech Park station.

2. Drive and navigate to"Mixc World".


1. Adult:98 RMB per person

2. Special Fare:78 RMB per person

3. Family Package:148 RMB for 1 adult and 1 child
