2022-07-02 09:54
来源: 打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网


读特客户端?打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网2022年7月2日讯(记者 金洪竹 张喆 李丹璐 冯牧原 陈彦如  张玲)夏至,太阳直射北纬23.5度,北半球迎来最长白昼。荔枝,从这个时候开始占领当季岭南水果头牌交椅,其中,打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:南山荔枝美名远扬,雄霸必买榜单天下。

It is Summer Solstice, when the subsolar point has arrived in latitude 23.5 degrees north, that  marks the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. From now on, Lychee becomes fruit of the season in Lingnan area. Among all lychees, those from Nanshan, Shenzhen, are well known to be the best seller.



最美味的红配绿。(张玲 摄)

让我轻轻地摘下你!(李丹璐 摄)


As a lychee lover, ancient Chinese poet Su Shi wrote a peom:"To eat 300 lychees a day, who would mind being a local in Lingnan." People in modern time also say that:"Without eating lychees, you will miss the whole summer." 

A summer of lychee has arrived, Have Fun in Shenzhen teams up with our international friend Alya and directly head to Nanshan Lychee Yueliangwan Demonstration Area of Xili Orchard, in order to capture the authentic seasonal treasure in Shenzhen.

看着满树红果子,真是幸福感爆棚。(张玲 摄)

摘荔枝的两位小姐姐,全神贯注。(李丹璐 摄)

下午的阳光,为摘荔枝的Alya勾勒出唯美的轮廓光。(李丹璐 摄)

手捧荔枝,金洪竹喜悦之情溢于言表。(张玲 摄)


There was a saying: Guangdong lychee depends on Shenzhen, and Shenzhen lychee depends on Nanshan. As one of the"Three Treasures of Nanshan", Nanshan lychee is the only lychee with geographical protection mark in the world. In Xili Orchard, there are many senior lychee trees that are over hundreds years old. With the meticulous care of orchard workers, the branches of lychee trees are all covered by red delicate fruits.

打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网记者金洪竹(右)小心翼翼,剥开荔枝果壳。(张玲 摄)

满满的幸福感、收获感。(张玲 摄)

剥开果壳,就是白如凝脂的荔枝果肉。(张玲 摄)

荔枝好吃,也好看。(李丹璐 摄)



The key of the best taste of lychee is"freshness". In summer afternoon, fruits on lower braches are almost finished picking. Orchard workers climb up the ladder to pick those red full fruits on higher braches, and then package them into boxes. Soon, the sweet taste of Shenzhen will be sent to all parts of China.

Under the guidance of our teacher from the orchard, we carried a ladder that higher than head to experience the fun of picking lychees. Gently pinch the fruit with your finger, and with a turn of your wrist, the fruit will fall off from the branch.

“你坐稳了吗?”“稳了!”(张玲 摄)

搬来小梯子,摘串红荔枝……惬意。(张玲 摄)

为它,给足镜头。(冯牧原 摄)

Alya说,因为荔枝,爱上打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:。(张玲 摄)


The top products of Shenzhen lychees are Gui Wei, which can be translated as"cinnamon flavor" and Nuo Mi Ci, which can be known as"glutinous rice cake". Gui Wei gets its name because its osmanthus fragrance, which makes it classic and popular in Shenzhen's competitive lychee circle. 

Gui Wei has small fruit seed, crispy fruit pulp with fresh sweetness. Besides, its resistance to storage and transportation makes the fruit shell maintain bright red and the pulp taste fresh even after it is picked for a few days.

金洪竹:不能让我的荔枝掉了!Alya:让我给荔枝拍下美照。(张玲 摄)

忙着拍照的Alya。(张玲 摄)

南山荔枝月亮湾示范园的曾亚妮老师(左一)为两位客人讲解如何辨认桂味和糯米糍。(张玲 摄)

荔枝果园里,这种昆虫很常见。据说它的名字叫独角仙。(张玲 摄)


Nuo Mi Ci, as a variety with its pulp like a white bun, it looks like a heart hanging on a tree. It is generally fuller and bigger than other lychee varieties. The hull of Nuo Mi Ci is thin and flat. Thanks to its small fruit seed and thick milky pulp, you can enjoy it the best. Take a bite, your mouth will be filled with its sweet aroma.








[About Xili Orchard]

Xili Orchard was founded in1989, with three production bases: Niucheng Village, Yueliangwan Park and Lilin Park. It is the largest lychee production base in Shenzhen. In2022, due to the impact of weather, the production of lychee decreased. Xili Orchard is closed to tourists this year.

On 21st June, Nanshan lychees such as Nuo Mi Ci and Gui Wei have come on the market.

In this season, the best time to enjoy Nanshan lychee is from 25 June to 5 July.

荔枝林中的两位小姐姐。(张玲 摄)



Address:Yueliangwan Park, Yueguang Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

摘下美味,摘下快乐。(李丹璐 摄)
